Anniversary Story - Cindy Consenzo

Cindy Cosenzo
What is your favorite memory of Hillsboro Farmers’ Market?
When we first moved to Hillsboro in 2008 and went to our first opening day of the Hillsboro Farmers’ Market on Saturday downtown it was pouring down with rain. But I just couldn’t believe all the people who had showed up! In the pouring rain! To support the vendors and the community spirit. I was moved to tears. I thought, “This is my kind of place!” Since then I make a point of going to every Opening Day and still love to see how everyone shows up for each other, rain or shine.
What were the markets like when you first started shopping with us?
The Hillsboro Farmers Market was vibrant when we moved here and continues to be vibrant!
What drew you to the markets?
I love all the people showing up for all their unique reasons — to stock up on produce, buy a gift for someone, morning breakfast and coffee, just hanging out, being together in community, with dogs, kids, everyone. It is just a lovely way to spend the mornings and bump into our Hillsboro neighbors. I’ve got my favorite go-to vendors, I’m sure everyone does too. It’s nice to see them and have a quick catch up on news and how things are going for their business that market day. The Blue Zones talks about the healthiness and happiness for humans of having spaces that have “high bump-into-it-iveness” in which we bump into each other naturally through the design of streets, open buildings and beautiful spaces which create natural engagement. The content and layout of the Farmers Markets have high bump-into-it-iveness. I just love that! The Hillsboro Farmers’ Markets are so good for the health of our community, not to mention all the wonderful locally-farmed produce. Oh, and I absolutely love the Market staff, Liz & Brian, and it has been so fun watching Ian grow up at the market!!
- Cindy