How to Use Your SNAP Card To Double Your Money at the Market

Have you heard of Double Up Food Bucks? This amazing program is designed and funded by the Farmers’ Market Fund, helping families get more fresh food for their money at over 75 markets in Oregon.

The program is simple, folks who use their SNAP, EBT, or Oregon Trail cards can visit the info booth at their favorite Oregon farmers’ market, take out $20 in market tokens, and get a $20 match in Double Up Food Bucks. Just like that, no catch!

In Hillsboro, those market tokens never expire, but the Food Bucks must be spent during the current market season, expiring at the end of every calendar year. This currency can be spent on any produce item and even vegetable starts, while market tokens can be spent on any grocery item, from honey to granola and even bread.

The purpose of this program is to help the one in eight Oregonians experiencing food insecurity to be able to spread their food assistance further. This gives more people access to more fresh foods as well as the strong community ties that come from shopping at farmers’ markets.

We know this to be true, seeing familiar faces each week and getting to know the people who use this program as well as their families. We would love to see more of our neighbors take advantage of this fund, and encourage you to stop by the information booth the next time you visit one of our markets to learn more.

If you are a fan of the program and want to support it in other ways, consider donating to the Farmers’ Market Fund or get involved by volunteering at your local market.

En Español

Obtenga más frutas y verduras cuando gaste sus dólares del SNAP con la tarjeta Oregon Trail en los mercados de agricultores participantes. ¡Es fácil con Double Up Food Bucks! Por ejemplo, si gasta $20 de sus dólares del SNAP en un mercado de agricultores participante, le daremos otros $20 para comprar más frutas y verduras cultivadas localmente.

En los mercados de agricultores, el beneficio de Double Up Food Bucks se presenta en forma de cupones de $2 que pueden canjearse por frutas y verduras frescas en cualquier mercado de agricultores participante de Oregon. Por lo general, la moneda del SNAP solo puede canjearse en el mercado donde la recibió.


Vaya a la carpa de información del mercado de agricultores


Deslice su tarjeta Oregon Trail para obtener fichas SNAP para comprar los alimentos elegibles del SNAP


Igualaremos hasta $20 por día con Double Up Food Bucks para frutas y verduras frescas


¡Compre frutas y verduras frescas en el mercado!
