Anniversary Story - Ian
If you ask some of our vendors and customers at the markets and many of them will say they have watched Ian grow up here. He started coming to the Hillsboro Farmers’ Markets 10 years ago when he was only about 7-8 years old. At that age Ian had already been involved in volunteering at other places and was looking for more ways to get involved and quickly began volunteering at the markets. He grew to really like it and has continued to help out at the markets ever since. At the markets, Ian was able to find a way to do something that really helps others, and that has helped himself a lot too.
The markets have been relatively similar since then, they were a little busier before the pandemic happened, but has stayed pretty constant since then. Every weekend he looks forwards to seeing everyone he has gotten to know through the markets. The relationships he has been able to build has gotten him excited about returning every week. His favorite thing is meeting nice people from the community and being able to hear their story. Some of the people he has been able to bond with this season are Oregon Flower Tea, Steve’s Boot Scoot’n Kettle Corn, and Vinyl-ly Done Designs.
Come say hi to Ian at the information booth at the Downtown Hillsboro Saturday Market!