Anniversary Story - Carie

Carie first attended the Downtown Hillsboro Farmers’ Market in 2003; her extended family had moved to Hillsboro and the Farmers’ Market was at first a way to explore the town which quickly became a beloved routine.

A new resident of Hillsboro in 2022, Carie’s time at HFM has provided her an understanding of the “behind the scenes” organization (and sheer muscle-y hard work) involved in making our markets a success! Carie is grateful for all the new friends and colleagues, who are an integral part of HFM, and who continue to give their time and energy to our markets – including providing Carie with ongoing mentorship and guidance.

Carie likes to tell a story about taking a career aptitude test in high school – where her resulting top suggested career field was farming! 40+ years later, after years of non-profit and education programs administration, she feels the Hillsboro Farmers’ Markets is a homecoming of sorts. While she will greatly miss working with Liz, Carie is now looking forward to serving as Market Manager.
