Anniversary Story - Washington County WIC

Washington County WIC
What is your favorite memory of Hillsboro Farmers' Markets?
My favorite memory is when WIC hosted a Market Kitchen booth. It was fun getting tokens to pick out fresh local produce to make a recipe for sampling. I enjoyed engaging with the market clients and promoting the WIC Farm Direct Nutrition Program.
What were the markets like when you started shopping with us?
The market was always buzzing and covered several streets in the downtown Hillsboro block. The vendors and stands had a variety of options.
What drew you to the market?
I am a dietitian so I love buying local produce for feeding my family healthy meals and snacks.
How has the market changed since your first visit?
Unfortunately, COVID-19 took a toll on the market. I visited the market last time when it was in the Washington County parking lot. There wasn’t as many vendors or patrons. It was sad to see the change. I imagine this coming year will be better.
- Tara