Public Works Day

Public Works day
Grab your hard hat and join the City of Hillsboro Parks & Recreation, Water, and Public Works departments in celebrating the 11th Annual Public Works Day in Hillsboro.
The community gathering will take place on Saturday, May 21, from 9 am to 1 pm on the Tom Hughes Civic Center Plaza at 150 East Main Street in Downtown Hillsboro during the Saturday Farmers’ Market.
The no-cost event returns to the Civic Center Plaza to celebrate the conclusion of National Public Works Week and the City’s personnel who are ready to respond – and resilient as ever – to continue building, improving, maintaining, and protecting the systems and services vital to our community’s health, safety, and comfort.
Up Close with Heavy Duty Equipment
City staff, exhibits, and equipment will fill the plaza for this hands-on, family-friendly event. On-site equipment will include:
Interactive traffic signal
Light-emitting diode streetlight
Sanitary sewer pipeline inspection van
Front-end loader
Vactor truck
Hydrant vehicles
Ventrac mower
John Deere wide area mower
Vermeer mini skid steer
PLUS: A Safe Routes to School activity
This year’s theme – Ready and Resilient – is set annually by the American Public Works Association and highlights how Public Works professionals help keep communities strong by providing an infrastructure of services in transportation, water, wastewater and stormwater treatment, public buildings and spaces, parks and grounds, and emergency management and first response.
For more information, visit